Content Management OLD

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Content Management

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Regular content updates are an important part of every website, but many people don’t have the time to keep on top of it, or are overwhelmed by it.  Content management is one of the best ways to create reader engagement and repeat customers:[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We work with content you provide to ensure that your site is always updated and relevant.  Content management can be done on a weekly or monthly basis, and on your website, social media, or via email, depending on your individual needs.  You can also hire us to write content for you if you lack the time to do so yourself – and we’ll always give you the chance to review what is written before we send it out.

Some of the content management services we offer include blogging, crossposting content to social media, updating event calendars, managing inventory in an eshop, updating menus and entertainment for restaurants, managing photo galleries and project portfolios, updating services provided, and promoting specials and service offers.  We work closely with our clients to ensure that their individual business needs are filled, so if you have additional content management needs that aren’t listed here, contact us and we can create a personalized content management plan for you![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1436208891872{padding-right: 5% !important;padding-left: 5% !important;}”]

  • 46% of people read blogs more than once a day. (HubSpot Science of Blogging, 2010)
  • Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive ROI. (HubSpot State of Inbound, 2014)
  • Nearly 40% of US companies use blogs for marketing purposes. (eMarketer, August 2010)
  • 82% of marketers who blog daily acquired a customer using their blog, as opposed to 57% of marketers who blog monthly — which, by itself, is still an impressive result. (HubSpot State of Inbound, 2013)
  • 79% of companies that have a blog report a positive ROI for inbound marketing in 2013. (HubSpot State of Inbound, 2013)
  • 83% of marketers indicate that social media is important for their business. (Social Media Examiner)
  • 42% of marketers say Facebook is critical or important to their business. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • The number of businesses that say Facebook is critical or important to their business has increased by 75%. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • Companies that acquired customers from Facebook: B2C is 77% and B2B is 43%. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
    Pinterest is now the 3rd most popular social network in the U.S. in terms of traffic. (Experian)
  • Shoppers referred by Pinterest are 10% more likely to make a purchase than visitors who arrive from other social networks, including Facebook and Twitter. They’ll also spend 10% more on average. (Wayfair)
  • Pinterest referrals spend 70% more than visitors referred from non-social channels, including search, according to industry reports. (Wayfair)

You can view more statistics on[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”grid” background_color=”#e3e3e3″ css=”.vc_custom_1431823512836{padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1497215534334{margin-top: 50px !important;padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]

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