Pinterest Tips

Social Media Management Saratoga NY

7 Social Media Marketing Myths, Busted

This article comes from Entrepreneur. 7 Social Media Marketing Myths, Busted One of your greatest foes as an entrepreneur is misinformation. There is a lot of erroneous advice online, especially when it comes to social media marketing. Unfortunately, much of this guidance seems reasonable on paper. Without the right research or knowledge, you may end […]

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Throwback Thursday: 5 Reasons Your Entire Team Should Contribute To Content

For this weeks Throwback Thursday special, we are touching on the five reasons your entire team should contribute to your content efforts. 5 Reasons Why Your Entire Team Should Contribute to Your Content Efforts Most companies have one designated person to create and share content on social media, however, you’ll find more success if your

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Organic Reach, Social Media

Organic Reach is in Decline—Here’s What You Can Do About It

This article comes from Hootsuite. Organic Reach is in Decline—Here’s What You Can Do About It When it comes to organic reach, not a lot has changed over the past few years. The average number of people who see posts on social media that aren’t backed by ad dollars is still low. It’s no secret

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10 Tips for Communicating on Social Media During a Crisis

During a crisis or emergency, it’s important that your business or your brand stays in communication with your audience. This article from Hootsuite has great tips on doing just that. 10 Tips for Communicating on Social Media During a Crisis Whatever crisis we face—as both professionals and regular people—we all hope that after it passes,

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How to Write Captions that Keep People Reading

Do you struggle with writing engaging captions on your photos? This article that JC Sweet & Co. found comes from Instagram. How to Write Captions that Keep People Reading An engaging caption can inspire your community to act, tell a compelling story or help you connect with your community. Read this guide on how you

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