Social Media Engagement - JC Sweet & Co., Saratoga, NY

Want More “Likes”? Increase Social Media Engagement with These Tips!

Are you struggling to find the best (and let’s be honest, easiest) way to see more likes on your Facebook and Instagram posts? This article that JC Sweet & Co. found on Social Media Examiner has a few practical tips you should at least try before throwing in the towel.

How to Get More Social Media Engagement on Any Platform

Before we dive into the really specific steps, let’s just outline some of the main points.

Point #1: Be Consistent

I’m sure you’ve heard this before when it comes to social media engagement, but it’s one of the most important things you can do for your platform. You have to create consistent (and QUALITY) content for people to engage with you. It all comes down to trust. Why would your audience show up for you if you don’t show up for them? Think about it this way – if you make a plan to meet your friends “sometime this week” what are the odds everyone will show up on the same day and time? Slim to none. The same is true when it comes to your content. If you make it a habit to post your content on a specific day and time your audience will start to realize if they show up on Monday morning at 8:30 AM during the first cup of joe, they’re going to see an inspiring #MondayMotivational post from you to start off their workweek.

Point #2: Ask Specific Questions

Too often we are convinced that basic phrases or questions like, “Let me know what you think,” is enough to get the ball rolling in the comments section on your post, but chances are it won’t. Instead, try asking specific questions that target a more personal note like, “Do you think I am right or wrong about this? Let’s discuss it in the comments!” People can be (and usually are) multitasking, watching a video or listening to a podcast while scrolling through their newsfeed, so be sure to take that into account and give them a specific instruction.

Point #3: Include an Element of Fun

Sure, professionalism is important, but to a degree. When it comes to your quality, don’t compromise, but when it comes to connecting, drop the stiff, old-school business way of talking and being and work that personality! Let your audience get a sense of your fun and unique personality because that will drive engagement more than anything else.

Now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

Create a Club-Like Experience

Let’s be real for a second – any intrigue we have for joining a club tends to be the exclusivity factor, right? Well, your community should feel like a club. When people feel special, they’re more likely to show up and engage. Make people feel like they’re a part of something bigger than themselves.

One way you can do this is to name your audience. For example, Jill and Josh Stanton at Screw the Nine to Five do a fantastic job with this. Their community is called Scroupies (Groupies of The Screw). Jill will refer to Scroupies in her content, as you can see in the post below. The community will refer to themselves as Scroupies. And it lends itself to more conversation because they have an identity… and those who aren’t a part of the insider club yet feel the need to join in.

Encourage Conversation With Audience Triggers

To get the kind of engagement that comes on its own (in other words, you don’t have to work so hard for it), you want to tap into audience triggers. These audience triggers have nothing to do with pain points, as you might be thinking. They also have zero to do with the topic of your content or your primary value.

Triggers tap into personal likes/dislikes of your audience. They turn valuable, educational content into a conversation piece.

Feature Pets in Your Social Media Content

Everyone loves dogs or cats, right? Same for babies. They trigger an “awwww” response from your audience. It has nothing to do with your content (unless you’re a dog trainer), but it will get people to say something!

Click here to read the full article on Social Media Examiner.

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