Instagram Tips - JC Sweet & Co., Saratoga, NY

Instagram Tips & Tricks You Didn’t Know

The JC Sweet & Co. team found this article on Lifewire and wanted to share with you these cool Instagram tips and tricks. Enjoy!

Instagram Tips & Tricks You Didn’t Know

Gone are the days when Instagram was just a simple little app for sharing photos with vintage filters. Today, the app has all sorts of hidden features that aren’t so obvious to discover through casual use of the app.

1. Automatically Filter Inappropriate Comments

Instagram now allows users to hide inappropriate comments by filtering out certain customizable keywords. To use this feature, simply navigate to your user settings from your profile, scroll down through your options and tap Comment Controls under the Settings section to block comments from specific users, hide offensive comments and manually create filters for specific words or phrases.

2. Pause, Rewind, Fast Forward, and Skip Through Stories

To pause a story, just tap and hold. To rewind a story, tap the top left of the screen (beneath the user’s profile photo and username). To fast forward through a user’s multiple stories, just tap the screen. And to skip an entire user’s stories, swipe left.

3. Mute Stories From Specific Users You Follow

Instagram allows you to mute any user’s stories you’re not interested in viewing so they won’t show up in your stories feed. Just tap and hold any user’s little profile photo bubble in the stories feed and select the mute option from the menu that pops up at the bottom of the screen. This simply fades their bubble and pushes it to the very end of the feed, which you can navigate to and unmute any time you want.

4. Allow Messages on Stories Only From Followers You Follow Back

By default, Instagram allows all of your followers to send message replies to your stories. If you have a very popular account and aren’t interested in being bombarded by a flood of messages from a bunch of complete strangers, you can change this setting.

Access your user settings from your profile and select Story Settings under the Account section. Here, you can set your message replies up so that only followers you follow back can reply. Alternatively, you can turn them off completely.

5. Hide Your Stories From Specific Users

Use your Story Settings to enter in the usernames of users you want to hide your stories from. You can also hide your stories from any user when you’re on their profile by tapping the three dots in the top right corner of their profile and then selecting the Hide Your Story option from the menu that pops up from the bottom.

Click here to continue reading this article on Lifewire.

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