Social Media Tips - JC Sweet & Co., Web Design, Social Media, NY

5 Reasons Why Your Entire Team Should Contribute to Your Content Efforts

Most companies have one designated person to create and share content on social media, however, you’ll find more success if your entire team is on board. This article that we wanted to share with you comes from Social Media Today.

5 Reasons Why Your Entire Team Should Contribute to Your Content Efforts

Here are five reasons why you should look to involve all your departments in the content process.

1. It helps to humanize your business

Who better to tell a company’s story than its employees? Team members are far more capable than any external marketing agency. When team members generate content, they themselves become the face of the company, and consumers often find it easier to relate to a real person than a company entity.

A study by the Edelman Trust Barometer found that 67% of consumers trust “company technical experts,” while only 43% trust CEOs. Employee generated content is often more authentic than company-produced content. Therefore, consumers are more likely to trust what individuals have to say over any corporate communication.

Matching content with a face helps brands gain consumer trust.

2. It highlights company culture

Team members live and breathe their company culture every day, so having them generate content gives audiences a firsthand look. Individuals can create behind-the-scenes content, such as day-in-the-life posts, which show potential customers what it’s really like to be a product researcher, sales manager, or technical analyst at their company. They’ll gain more insight into the company, and its employees overall.

Instead of asking team members to come up with new topics, the marketing team can interview colleagues, and create posts spotlighting them. Interview-style posts are an excellent way to highlight employee achievements, and foster a sense of community within the team, boosting company culture.

Behind-the-scenes content can also be an excellent recruiting tool, as it can show potential employees what it’s really like to work for the company, and what makes the business unique.

3. It can increase marketing efficiency

Marketing teams can get potentially overwhelmed when they’re the only team members producing content. They could also lose focus in other areas as they become consumed by deadlines. 50% of B2B content marketers that say they struggle to create content consistently.

Distributing content creation among the entire company can help reduce the risk of marketing burnout, and fill gaps in your editorial calendar.

The more quality content a team produces, the better the results. When employees contribute consistently, content marketing generates more website traffic, leads, and sales. Marketing teams that convince other team members to participate in the content are also likely to increase their efficiency and ROI.

4. It showcases alternate perspectives

When companies rely on a few select people to produce content, their voice and point of view can become limited. Getting various employees involved with the content creation effort can lead to greater diversity in the company’s brand voice.

Each employee will bring a different set of experiences and knowledge to the table. Audiences will likely appreciate the different points of view and will be more likely to trust content coming from multiple employees, rather than a single person.

A team brimming with content creators can better establish itself as a leader in the sector, in varying business aspects.

5. It incentivizes the whole team to share content

Team members who assist in creating content are also more likely to become brand advocates, as they’ll have more incentive to share content that they’ve created or contributed to via their own social media channels.

Research has shown that content that individuals share on their own profiles can generate 8x more engagement than content shared on brand channels. Companies can not only use team members to generate quality content, but they can also leverage their networks to extend their reach.

Click here to read the original article.

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