The Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting the Right Domain Name

Are you thinking about starting a website for your business or brand? Choosing a domain name might not be as easy as you think. Check out these steps to picking the best domain name for your brand brought to you by Entrepreneur.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting the Right Domain Name

To help you understand the ins and outs of purchasing and maintaining a domain name, we’ve put together a list of six tips to help you make an informed decision.

Choosing the best domain name.

Choosing a unique domain name is an important part of your online marketing strategy. Domain names should be unique and easy to remember so your customers and prospects can easily find you online.

Your domain name should reflect your core products or services. As many of the obvious names are already taken, it’s important to make sure your name stands out.

When choosing a domain:

  1. Keep it simple – Customers expect speed and convenience, especially when they’re searching for a product or service. Keep your domain name short and easy to type, remember and refer others to.
  2. Use common keywords in your domain name – Always consider SEO. Use your business’s main keyword phrase(s) in your domain name to help your site’s ranking on search engine results pages (or SERPs).
  3. Make it relevant to your business – Your domain name must be relevant to your products or services. At the same time, avoid locking yourself into a box if you’re considering expanding your offerings.

Choose a domain name with confidence.

Now that you’re familiar with the finer details of choosing and maintaining a domain name, you’re ready to take action. Your website is the face of your business online, so use this knowledge to choose the best available domain name.

Click here to view the original, complete article.

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