How (And Why) to Spice up Your LinkedIn Profile

Does your LinkedIn profile need to be updated? Whether it’s incomplete or the information is out of date, take a look at this article that the JC Sweet & Co. team found on Cluster for tips on how to spice up your LinkedIn profile.

How (And Why) to Spice up Your Linkedin Profile

Here are the best tips for spicing up your LinkedIn profile.

Know that LinkedIn is more important than you think

LinkedIn is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms worldwide, with two professionals signing up every second. According to social media marketing company HootSuite, 50% of Americans with a college degree use LinkedIn, and 45% of users work within upper management in their companies. Speaking of companies, there are 30 million company profiles on LinkedIn, posting 3 million American job opportunities each month.

It’s not just Americans, either; while it’s the most prominent country among LinkedIn users at 30%, the remaining 70% come from over 200 countries, meaning that employment options aren’t limited to the States.

Put your best face forward

First impressions are just as important online as in real life, especially on LinkedIn. When you set your profile picture, stay away from selfies, group photos or anything you’d use on Tinder. Go with something professional instead. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a formal headshot — not everyone has that kind of coin, I get it! — but a solo picture of you with nice lighting, a confident smile and a background that doesn’t steal the show will do the trick.

Don’t be afraid to stand out

When recruiters are searching for potential employees, the first items they scan on your profile are your photo and headline. Your headline is basically a description of what you’re about, but it’s about 10 words long, so it may seem like it’s not that important. However, this is actually the first chance you have to show employers what sets you apart. Make sure your headline is specific, up-to-date and reflective of your skills.

Tell your story

The next most important part of your profile is your summary. This section gives you the most opportunity to explain who you are, what you’re about and what kind of work environment you would thrive in.

Too many folks on LinkedIn use generic summaries that scream, “I copied this from a resume template.” How many times have you seen something like, “Engaged and confident communications professional,” a clunky paragraph so overloaded with buzzwords that you can’t parse out which industry the user is in or — worst of all — “(Your Major Here) Student” as someone’s summary? That tells recruiters nothing about you except that you couldn’t (or wouldn’t) take the time to explain what makes you tick.

LinkedIn isn’t just a virtual resume, it’s a space for you to tell your story. The summary is the best place to use that function.

You also have the opportunity to add multimedia to your summary. I’ve got a PDF of my resume and the link to my online portfolio attached to mine for ease of access.

Continue reading this article here.