Google Plus Shutdown - JC Sweet & Co., Web Design, Social Media, Saratoga, NY

Goodbye, Google+

In case you haven’t heard, Google has released the news that they will be saying goodbye to their attempt at the “Facebook alternative” social media platform, Google+ (Google Plus) April 2019. If you’re not sure what that means or if you’re even using it, you won’t miss it. However, some things still need to be cleared up.

This helpful article we found on Smart 1 Marketing discusses the ins and outs and what the ending of Google+ means for you and your business.

Google is Shutting Down Google+ – But Don’t Panic

Google’s news of the ending of Google+ has left some business confused and concerned for their own accounts, however, there is no reason to be (unless you were very active on Google+… you’d know if you were.)

Here are some quick facts on how this will (and won’t) affect your business:

  • A Google+ page and Google My Business listing are completely separate entities. The deletion of your Google+ page will not affect your Google My Business listing.
  • All reviews you’ve received on your business listing through Google relate to your Google My Business listing, not your Goolge+ page. Your reviews will still be available and accessible on Google My Business.
  • Your Gmail account has nothing to do with your Google+ Page. You will still be able to use your Gmail account as you do now.

The bottom line is, if you aren’t sure what your Google+ Page is or if you even have one, chances are you haven’t been using it (or using it actively) and you won’t miss it or notice its absence.

If you’re one of the few who has been using Google+ regularly, you have the option to download your Google+ data, including pictures, circles, communities, streams, and +1’s. Click here to learn how to download your data.

We hope this cleared up any confusion you might have had regarding the Google+ shutdown. As always, feel free to reach out to us with any further questions.

Click here to view the original article. 

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