Email list - JC Sweet & Co, Web Design, Social Media, Saratoga, NY

7 Simple Tips to Help Grow Your Email List

Believe it or not, email marketing is still a viable marketing technique, however, you’re email marketing is limited by the contact list you’ve generated.

How can you use this tool to your best ability? It all starts with growing your email list.

The JC Sweet & Co. team thought this article from Social Media Today would be perfect for you to take some simple tips from.

7 Simple Tips to Help Grow Your Email List

If you’re struggling to build your email list, here are some helpful tips:

1. Start Close to Home

When you first start asking for email addresses, start with your friends, family members, and even colleagues.

When you know you have a list of people (even if it is a modest list to start), it’s easier to get started producing good content. You can use this stage as a “practice mode” for lack of a better phrase.

However, don’t think just because your list only consists of friends and family that your emails won’t matter, these contacts can still forward your emails.

2. Bring in Current Clients

Make it easy for your current clients to sign-up by giving them an option to do so in your office. Most of your current clients will want to be kept up-to-date on the latest information and news your business puts out.

One way to do this is to put a sign-up sheet on your front desk. Another way is to make asking and adding their email to your contact list apart of your onboarding processes.

3. Create a Mobile Sign-Up Option

You also want to make it easy for people to sign-up using their smartphone or another mobile device.

This might sound tricky, but email marketing platforms like Constant Contact has a text-to-join tool which makes this very simple.

4. Put a CTA on Social Media

CTA or call-to-action buttons are the perfect way for your followers to easily join your email list.

Facebook has an app called Join My Mailing List which enables people to join your mailing list in just one-click, and other platforms have similar tools.

5. Offer Sign-Up Incentives

One of the best ways to get subscribers is to offer something for free. People love to sign-up for free things.

For example, offer a course that pertains to your business for signing up, a free consultation, a good book, or even a gift card.

6. Ask for Shares

Simply asking others to share your content is a perfect way to grow your list. Especially if you’re giving your subscribers good information, they’ll be more likely to share it on social media or forward it.

Make sure you include a link in each email to allow new people to sign-up.

7. Include Valuable Content

The more helpful your emails are, the more people will sign-up. Keep your audience in mind when crafting your content and make each email you send out even more relevant.

Click here to view the original article.

Did you find Find these tips helpful? Are you already doing one or two (or more) of these tips? Let us know what works for you and your business!

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