Using Microsoft Entourage with Your Email

1) Open Microsoft Entourage.

2) From the Tools menu, select Accounts.

3) Click New.

4) If the Account Setup Assistant window opens, click Configure account manually.

5) In the Account Type section, select IMAP or POP, and click OK.

6) In the Edit Account window, enter the following information:

Account name
An identifier for your account such as My Mail, Work, or Home

The name to be shown on your email

Email address
Your full email address

7) Complete the Receiving mail fields.

Account ID
Your email address

Your IMAP or POP host settings

Your email account password

8) Select Click here for advanced receiving options, make the following changes, and then click OK:

(Optional) This IMAP/POP service requires a secure connection (SSL)
Select to enable

Override default IMAP/POP port
Select to enable

IMAP without SSL – 143
IMAP with SSL – 993
POP without SSL – 110
POP with SSL – 995

9) In the Sending mail section, enter your SMTP Server.

10) Select Click here for more advanced sending options and make the following changes:

(Optional) SMTP server requires secure connection (SSL)
Select to enable

Override default SMTP port
Select to enable

Without SSL – one of the following: 25, 80, 3535
With SSL – 465

SMTP server requires authentication
Select to enable

Use same settings as receiving mail server
Select to enable

11) Click OK.

This information can be found on the GoDaddy Support Page.

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