Setting Up a Facebook Business Page

If you’re interested in becoming apart of the business world on Facebook, check this out:

Facebook is continually changing around and updating; it becomes somewhat confusing to navigate through at times. How do you even find a link that allows you to create a Facebook page for your business?

If you don’t have a personal Facebook, you’re going to need to create one. This allows you to further control your business page rather than being limited by a business-only page.

Once you have created this, you can move forward to create your business page. Your two Facebook pages will be “tied” (by being accessed by the same log-in), however remain completely separate. No one can see your personal information from you business page, and no one can see who is the administrator of your business page.

Creating Your Page While Logged In as Your Profile

Go to here you will choose from the main categories of pages and decide which fits your business best (local business or place, company/organization or institution, brand or product, artist or band, entertainment, or cause and community).

Do not select Local Business or Place unless you have a physical street address for your customers to come to.

Choose Your Category from the Drop-down Menu and Name Your Page

You may not see an exact match for your business, but choose what fits best. The name of your page will be the name you put into the box under the Category Menu.

Click on the “I agree” button and get started!

Add Your Profile Picture

The profile picture is the image that appears next to every post that goes into the news feed from your page. You will be able to adjust the viewable portion of the profile picture by hovering over the photo and clicking edit profile picture and then edit thumbnail.

Add Basic About Info

Here you can put your initial information and also add direct links to your Twitter or other social media sites.

From here, follow the Facebook Prompts given to you; like your own page.

Share Something

Have a good amount of status updates before inviting too many people to like the page.

Add a Cover Photo

Find a photo that suits the message of your business. Once you have found the cover photo, click Add a Cover button and select upload photo. Choose from your computer, position is on your page, save changes.

Continuely adding and updating to your business page will keep it fresh and relevent.

This article and more can be found at

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