Jenny Crawford of JC Sweet & Co. wins MGM Constest

166104_186273871390394_112379505446498_586128_4601404_nDecember 9, 2010- Jenny Crawford of JC Sweet and Co. was announced as the winner of the MGM contest by the Chamber of Southern Saratoga County located in Clifton Park, NY.  Jenny has served as an ambassador for the Chamber of Southern Saratoga County since 2007.  Her duties include member outreach, new member orientation, member retention, event organization, and teaching basic networking skills.  This contest specifically recognized the ambassador/board member team that introduced the highest number of new applicants over a 3 month period of time.  Jenny helped bring 8 new businesses to the Chamber of Southern Saratoga County.  If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of joining your local chamber feel free to contact Jenny Crawford directly.

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