Facebook Personal Timeline

Facebook has announced that they are implementing some major change to the personal Facebook profile layouts and functionality   Really?  Again?  (I know)  The new format is referred to as the “Timeline”- a functional  digital biography if you will, that does not go back to when you joined Facebook, but to when you were born.  Daily posts are streamed side by side down a two-column page, broken up by “highlights” strategically placed through the other posts are full-width, to pull more attention towards important events/ moments and can include a photo and a pin drop on your map.

Facebook Features included in the Timeline:

  • Photo Galleries with descriptions & full width capability
  • Videos
  • Status updates to include highlights
  • Event planning and management
  • Maps including pin drops to indicate where you grew up, vacationed, worked, etc…

The new Facebook profile is divided into two main columns, with a form of a timeline down the middle.  Choose levels of privacy for various comments.  Hide posts.  Messages are now tied directly to chat so if you are sending someone a Facebook message (similar to email) and the receiver is online, you will have an opportunity for real time chat.

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