Using Microsoft Outlook Express with Your Email

You can always use Workspace Webmail to send and receive email messages. But you also can view your email with an email client. To access your email through Microsoft Outlook Express®, add an account with the settings outlined below.

BEFORE YOU START: To set up Outlook Express with your email, you need to know your POP or IMAP Email Server Settings and ports. To find them, got to the InfoCenter and write down the information that displays under Email Server Settings.

To Use Microsoft Outlook Express with Your Email

In Microsoft Outlook Express, select Tools, and then click Accounts.

On the Internet Accounts window, click the Mail tab, then click Add. Select Mail… from the list.

On the Internet Connect Wizard window, in the Display name field, enter the name to be displayed on your email, and then click Next.

In the E-mail address field, enter your email address, and then click Next.

On the E-mail Server Names window, from the My incoming mail server is a list, select either IMAP or POP3.

Select either IMAP or POP3 for your Account Type. Use these settings for your incoming and outgoing servers, depending on the type of email you have:

Incoming mail server –
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) –

Incoming mail server –
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) –

In the Account name and Password fields, enter your email address and password, and then click Next.

Click Finish.

On the Internet Accounts wizard, select the account you just created, and then click Properties.

In the Properties window, click the Servers tab, and then select My server requires authentication. Ensure Use same settings as my incoming mail server is selected.

Click the Advanced tab.

  • Outgoing Server Settings

Without SSL – One of the following: 80, 3535
With SSL – 465

(Optional) This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
Select to enable.

  • Incoming Server Settings

IMAP without SSL – 143
IMAP with SSL – 993
POP without SSL – 110
For POP with SSL – 995

(Optional) This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)

Click OK.

This information and more can be found at

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