Facebook Live, JC Sweet & Co.

How to Create a Facebook Live Show

Want to broadcast a regular live show on Facebook with a co-host?

Wondering how to plan all of the logistics for your show?

In this article, you’ll discover how to launch a successful Facebook Live show, with or without a co-host.

#1: Define the Key Objective, Measurement Tactics, and Success Benchmarks

Before you get swept up in the technical details and gear you need for your Facebook Live show, it’s important to answer these questions:

  • What do you want to achieve from creating and running the show?
  • How will you measure your progress toward this goal?

For example, your goal might be increased visibility. How can you measure this? While not an exact science, tracking show mentions on other blogs and positive comments from people you don’t know can help you gauge progress to some degree.

If you want to measure tangible results such as an increase in website visitors or mentions on social platforms, think about how you’ll distinguish which results are driven by the show versus other sources.

When you’re planning to co-host a live show with someone else, set a clear goal that’s at the core of all you do. Take the time to talk with your co-host about your key objective to help avoid misunderstandings and distractions later on.

#2: Partner With a Co-Host Who Complements You

You may already have a co-host in mind or maybe you’ve discussed the idea of a Facebook Live show with a friend or colleague. If not, though, keep your show’s objectives in mind when choosing whom to approach as a potential partner.

Though not a definitive list, consider these factors when evaluating a potential co-host:

  • Current audience: Does it make sense (in terms of your business and Facebook Live goals) for you to become known to your co-host’s existing audience?
  • Personality: Will this person’s personality complement yours when you’re broadcasting? Are you equally matched in terms of confidence? Will it be easy to find a comfortable rhythm on-air?
  • Respect: It’s important to respect each other’s work and opinions. If you don’t, your show will be an uncomfortable viewing experience for your fans.
  • Commitment: Ensure you’re equally committed to the project or it might lead to frustrations down the line.
  • Energy: Your audience is unlikely to feel attracted to or inspired by someone who comes across as negative or lacking energy. You and your co-host don’t need to be extroverts, but you do need to be able to perform for your audience.
  • Knowledge or experience: What knowledge/experience are you looking for in a co-host to achieve your goals? Assess areas of expertise, as well as depth of knowledge.

#3: Align Your Presentation, Delivery, and Branding With Your Target Audience Preferences

Think about both your current audience and your co-host’s audience. Then define the audience you hope to reach with your co-hosted Facebook Live show.

Your knowledge of the audience you want to reach will inform these aspects of your show:

  • Subjects or themes: What content will your target audience respond to, and ultimately, engage with and share?
  • Format: Would your audience prefer talking heads in polite conversation, an energetic discussion, or more of a comedy-duo approach?
  • Timing: When is your target audience most likely to be online with time to actually watch and respond?
  • Name and branding (if any): It’s important to promote the show to your audience on a regular basis. You’ll get the best response if they like the look and feel of your branding.

While you’re in the planning stages, send out a survey to your audience to get feedback on what type of show they prefer. This also gives you the opportunity to tease your new show.

#4: Clarify the Topics You’ll Discuss

Brainstorm a list of topics and ask your audience what they’d like you to cover in your broadcasts. Schedule the best ideas in an episode calendar.

Creating a calendar will save you from the last-minute panic of trying to decide the topic for the next show. Also, it will allow you to sign off each episode with the details of the next episode, which will help you appear more professional and committed. You’ll need to know the topic in advance to promote it, too.

Having a schedule doesn’t mean you can’t respond to events and news or create shows based on feedback from your audience. However, it will help you stay organized so you’re not overwhelmed. At this stage, plan out the structure for each episode:

  • How will you open each show?
  • What will your call to action be?
  • How long will each show be?
  • Are there any specific segments you want to include each time?

Also think about how your show can carve out a niche in the increasingly noisy world of Facebook Live broadcasts. Both of your personal brands will help, but developing a unique approach can also make your show stand out from the crowd.

To continue reading this article originally published on Social Media Examiner, click here. 

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