Thinking about launching a new business?
Need a Website?
We are happy to answer your questions and get you on your way to comfortably using the internet to market your business to your community of prospects.
Interested in Our Services?
Let us lead you through the process of developing a personalized website that is built for your visitors.
We focus on offering personalized services and take more of an inclusive approach to our web development and marketing planning. We take the time to sit down face to face with business owners and support staff to not only discuss what has brought their company to the point they are at, but also where they want to go. Together as a team we will develop a plan of how to get there.
JC Sweet & Co. offers website management services on a monthly or as needed basis, and determine a plan based on the company’s comfort level with technology and available time and desire to learn. We will set up social media accounts and train users to implement a plan that will be comfortable to use. We are always up front with cost and timeline associated with our process.
JC Sweet & Co. offers website management services on a monthly or as needed basis, and determine a plan based on the company’s comfort level with technology and available time and desire to learn. We will set up social media accounts and train users to implement a plan that will be comfortable to use. We are always up front with cost and timeline associated with our process.
Web Design
We build responsive websites tailored to your business’s needs. We specialize in working with local businesses, building small business websites.
Content Management
We work with your content to ensure your website is relevant. We also can write content for you if you lack the time to do it yourself.
We will sit with you to discuss the opportunities available to you on the internet. We will advise you on various topics to enhance your online presence.
Social Media
We use social media to help you communicate with your target audience and create conversations that increase your sales and traffic to your website.
Web Hosting
We provide a reliable place for your website relieving you from the headache of configuring and maintaining your own server.
We’ll teach you how to get the most out of your website, social media accounts, email marketing, and more. We offer both one-on-one training and group sessions.